Additional Settings

In the Conversion Tools, you must set the specific Additional Settings for each scheduler, as follows:

Broadcom Appworx Additional Conversion Settings

The following table lists the Appworx Additional Conversion Settings:

Conversion Settings


Node Default Platform

Defines the name of the default operating system for each node data.

First Day of the Week

Defines the first day of the week of your Control-M work environment.

Keep Active for

Defines the maximum number of days that a Control-M job can wait for execution after run date (default: 0). Valid values: 0-99 (integer).

Don't Convert AppWorx disabled events

Defines that disabled events in the AppWorx data is not converted to Control-M data.

Convert Appworx entities that don't reside under Process Flow

Defines that entities not under Process Flow in the Appworx data are converted to Control-M data.

CID<Unique number>@JOBA@JOBB

Determines how two jobs are connected by creating a unique event in the format: CID<Unique number>@JOBA@JOBB.

Delete Events

Determines to delete the event after the next job has finished running


Determines a dependence event between many jobs according to its end status.

For more details see Events.

Broadcom Automic UC4 Additional Conversion Settings

The following table lists the Automic UC4 Additional Conversion Settings and UC4 Scripts Conversion Settings:

Conversion Settings



Convert UC4 executable objects without scheduling reference

Converts objects that are not in any UC4 Schedule definitions, such as Post Script.

For more information about converting UC4 jobs with Post Script, see Converting UC4 Scripts to Control-M.

First day of the week

Defines the first day of the week to your Control-M work environment.

Default UC4 Client Time Zone

Defines the time zone of the UC4 client server.

Convert 'Start' and 'End' tasks to Dummy jobs

Converts Start and End tasks to Control-M Dummy jobs. By default, Start and End tasks are ignored and not added to Control-M.

Set 'Adjust Event' to 'Y' in all folders to replace jobs that are not scheduled with Dummy jobs

Determines to replace unscheduled jobs with Dummy jobs by seting Adjust Event to Y in all folders.

Job/Folder Name Manipulation

Change prefix/suffix

Determines whether to use a character to indicate the location in the filename where characters were removed.

Truncate characters from the Beginning

Shortens a file name by truncating characters from the beginning of the name.

Truncate characters from the end

Shortens a file name by truncating characters from the end of the name.

Uniqueness Suffix Separator

Determines whether to use a character to separate the original file name from the numbers that are added to the end of the file name.

Event Name Convention


Determines which character is used to separate the prefix, suffix, or events.


Determines the prefix used to separate the events.


Determines the suffix used to separate the events.


Defines the default format used for creating job dependencies.

Event name format that will be created

Displays the resulting format based on the changes made to the other options in the Event Name Convention area.

UC4 Scripts Conversion

Describes how to use UC4 scripts in Control-M.

For more information, see Converting UC4 Scripts to Control-M.

Additional Conversion Options

Don't add Pre scripts into Control-M embedded script

Determines whether to convert the Pre script content into the Control-M Embedded Script field.

A warning message about Pre Script content still appears in the Conversion Report.

By default, the Conversion Tool converts the content of UC4 pre script into the Control-M embedded script field.

If you do not want to convert UC4 Pre-Script and remove the warning message, set the appropriate rule in the UC4_scripts_conversion_to_ctm.xls file.

Don't add Post scripts into Control-M embedded script

Determines whether to convert Post script content into the Control-M embedded script field.

A warning message about post script content still appears in the Conversion Report.

By default, the Conversion Tool converts the content of UC4 Post Script into the Control-M Embedded script field.

If you do not want to convert UC4 pre script and remove the warning message, set the appropriate rule in the UC4_scripts_conversion_to_ctm.xls file.

Convert UC4 scripts with '1' command into Control-M command line jobs

Determines whether to convert UC4 scripts, that contain only one command into Control-M OS Command jobs, if it they do not include UC4 scripting language keywords.

By default, the Conversion Tool converts the content of UC4 Scripts into the Control-M embedded script fields.

Converting UC4 Scripts to Control-M

This procedure describes how to convert UC4 scripts to Control-M compatible scripts. Broadcom Automic (UC4) uses its own scripting language, so you need to define how the Conversion Tool how to convert the scripts.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have successfully progressed through the Conversion Tool until you reach the UC4 Scripts Rule tab of the Conversion Settings window. For more information, see Converting to Control-M.


  1. From the UC4 Scripts Rule tab, open the following file:


    This file contains the Conversion Tool automatic analysis of the UC4 scripts.

  2. In the UC4_scripts_analysis tab, review the analysis to determine the optimal way to convert the scripts:

    • UC4 Script Pattern: Displays the UC4 script patterns found in the scripts.

    • UNC Script Content: Displays each script pattern instance when a script pattern+ is selected.

    • Number of UC4 Jobs use the Script Pattern: Displays the number of jobs that contain the script pattern.

  3. In the UC4_scripts_conversion_to_ctm tab, fill in the Select conversion option 1 or select conversion option 2 columns. For column descriptions , see UC4_scripts_conversion_to_ctm Tab.

    In the Select conversion option 1 or Select conversion option 2 columns do any of the following:

  4. Save the UC4 Scripts Conversion file, copy it, and move it to the directory where you loaded the files that you extracted from the Automic UC4 scheduler.

  5. Re-open the Conversion Tool and run the conversion.

    The Conversion Tool uses the conversion rules in the file to convert the UC4 scripts to Control-M compatible scripts.

UC4_scripts_conversion_to_ctm Tab

The following table describes the information contained in the UC4_scripts_conversion_to_ctm tab in the UC4_scripts_conversion_to_ctm .xls file:



UC4 Script type

Indicates if the UC4 Script found belongs to the Pre/Post Script attributes.

In the Select conversion option column the options vary according to Script Type.

UC4 Script Content

Contains the UC4 script detected in the Pre/Post-Script attribute.

Number of jobs use the script

Contains the number of UC4 Jobs that use the same script.


Indicates the type of Control-M job to use when creating Control-M If Actions or Parameters data in Control-M client.

Select conversion option 1

Enables you to define how to convert UC4 Pre/Post Scripts into Control-M using one of the following options:

  • Convert to Control-M If Actions (Post Script Type only)
  • Convert to Control-M Variables (Pre Script Type only)
  • Replace with another Script (Pre Script Type only)
  • Don't Convert Script

For more information about the Control-M options, see Control-M Options.

Conversion option 1 value

Defines the Conversion option value that is imported into Control-M

Select conversion option 2 (optional)

Defines an additional option in Control-M, as described in Select conversion option 1 in this table.

Conversion option 2 value (optional)

Defines an additional Conversion option value, as described in Conversion option value 1 in this table.

Control-M Options

The following table describes the Control-M options in the Select Conversion option column in the UC4 Script Conversion file.

Script type

Control-M option


Post Script

Convert to Control-M If Actions

Converts UC4 Post Script to Control-M If Action.

You must supply the Control-M If Action XML in the Conversion Option Value column, as described in Adding an If Action XML Value.

Post Script

Do not Convert Script

Does not convert UC4 Post Script to a Control-M embedded Script job and the Conversion Tool does not issue a warning message in the Conversion Report.

Use this option if you decide that UC4 Script is not required in Control-M.

Pre Script

Convert to Control-M Variables

Converts UC4 Pre Script to a Control-M variable.

You must supply the Control-M Variable XML in the Conversion Option Value column, as described in Adding a Control-M Variable XML Value.

Pre Script

Replace with another Script

Replaces a UC4 Pre Script with another script that does not use UC4 Scripting language.

You must supply a replacement script in the Conversion Option Value column.

Pre Script

Do not Convert Script

Does not convert UC4 Pre script to a Control-M embedded Script job and does not issue a warning message in the conversion report.

Use this option if you decide that UC4 Script is not required in Control-M.

Adding an If Action XML Value

This procedure describes how to add an If Action XML to the Conversion option value column in the UC4 Script Conversion file.


  1. From the Control-M Planning domain, create a job.

  2. Create an If Action, by adding the If Action parameters, as necessary, {as described in If Actions in Control-M Parameters.

  3. Export the selected jobs to an XML file, by doing one of the following:

    • Select the entities to export.

    • Select Export, and select Export Selected Entities.

    • To export the workspace, click Export.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Open the XML file that you saved in step 4, and copy and paste the If Action into the Conversion option value 1 and/or 2 columns in the UC4 Script file.

    Copy only the relevant part of the XML as in the following example:

    Exported XML:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <!--Exported at 18-09-2017 15:35:47-->

    <DEFTABLE xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="Folder.xsd">



    <ON STMT="*" CODE="NOTOK">








    Relevant XML:

    <ON STMT="*" CODE="NOTOK">




Adding a Control-M Variable XML Value

This procedure describes how to add a Control-M Variable XML to the Conversion option value column in the UC4 Script Conversion file.


  1. In Control-M client, from the Planning domain, create a job.

  2. Create the Control-M Variable, by adding the variables as necessary, as described in Variables in Control-M Parameters.

  3. Export the selected jobs to an XML file, by doing one of the following:

    • Select the entities to export.

    • Select Export, and select Export Selected Entities.

    • To export the workspace, click Export.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Open the XML file that you saved in step 4, and copy and paste the Control-M Variable XML into the Conversion option value 1 and/or 2 columns in the UC4 Script Conversion file.

    Copy only take the relevant part of the XML as in the following example:

    Exported XML:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <!--Exported at 18-09-2017 15:35:47-->

    <DEFTABLE xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="Folder.xsd">



    <VARIABLE NAME="%%A" VALUE="Local" />

    <VARIABLE NAME="%%\\Banai\Amir" VALUE="Pool" />

    <VARIABLE NAME="%%\BB" VALUE="Global" />





    Relevant XML:

    <VARIABLE NAME="%%A" VALUE="Local" />

    <VARIABLE NAME="%%\\Banai\Amir" VALUE="Pool" />

    <VARIABLE NAME="%%\BB" VALUE="Global" />

Broadcom AutoSys Additional Conversion Settings

The following table lists the AutoSys Additional Conversion Settings tab:

Conversion Settings


Source Command

Defines the command used to source the script defined in the profile field of your source scheduler.

Convert unscheduled boxes to Run Method="ON_DEMAND"

Determines to convert unscheduled boxes to the USERDAILY="ON_DEMAND" checkbox.

By default, Control-M runs the jobs automatically. This option enables to run the jobs on demand.


Event pattern that will be created.

Determines the event format.

Remove job's events after job's completion

Determines to remove the job's events after the job has completed.

File Watcher Type


Determines to convert File Watcher jobs to MFT jobs.

Ctmfw utility

Determines to use the Control-M File Watcher utility (and not MFT).


Determines to convert SAP jobs using the Control-M SAP forms.


Determines to convert SAP jobs using the Control-M PeopleSoft forms.

Text File Reading and Monitoring Job Type

Converts Autosys Text File Reading and Monitoring jobs to Control-M FWText jobs.

The Control-M FWText job supports the following fields:

  • text_file_filter

  • text_file_name

  • text_file_filter_exists

The following fields are permanently set as follows:

  • monitor_mode: NOW

  • text_file_mode: LINE

Related links:

Broadcom Dollar Universe Additional Conversion Settings

The following table lists the Dollar Universe Additional Conversion Settings:

Conversion Settings


UPROCs with Task but Without a Session

Convert all UPROCS without a Session into a Single Control-M SaaS folder

Determines to convert all UPROCs that have a task but do not have a session into one Control-M folder containing all UPROCs.

This option is relevant only when the Convert UPROCs that do not have a session is selected.

Convert each UPROC without a Session into a Single Control-M SaaS folder

Determines to convert each UPROC that does not have a session into its own Control-M folder.

UPROCs without scheduling

Convert UPROCS without scheduling

Determines to convert UPROCS without scheduling to Control-M data.

Other Information

Date Format

Determines the format for date input and display


Determines the Control-M folder name, built in the format:
from the following options:

  • EXP

  • SIM

  • INT

  • APP

Priority Conversion

Convert equal priorities

Determines to convert Dollar Universe jobs even when multiple jobs have the same priority value.

If all Dollar Universe jobs use the same value, this degrades the performance of Control-M. To avoid this effect, you can choose to not convert priorities according to the priority conversion option that you select.

Don't convert priorities if all equal

Determines to not convert Dollar Universe jobs when multiple jobs have the same priority value.

Irrespective of the option chosen, if not all priorities are equal, the priorities will be converted as usual.

HDP Options

Append events for viewing links between jobs in Control-M

Determines to append events that provide the ability to view the flow between jobs in the Planning and Monitoring domains in Control-M client.

Notify destination name for ctmorder script

Defines the name of the destination file in your environment which is necessary for adding a Notification destination in Control-M client.


{Job/Folder Name}_Status

Determines the format of the event.

{Job/Folder Name}TO-TargetJob:Job/Folder Name}

Determines the format of the event.

Delete Events

Determines to delete the event after the next job has finished running.

Broadcom Unicenter WLM (TNG) Additional Conversion Settings

The following table lists the Unicenter WLM (TNG) Additional Conversion Settings:

Conversion Settings



Date Format

Determines the WLM date format for your conversion project.

Applicability-Application Separator

Defines a separator character that converts WLM grouping to Control-M hierarchy format.

PROD#SET1 where the separator is #, the Control-M Application entity is set to PROD and the Sub-Application is set to SET1.


Determines the following target Control-M resource types:

  • Auto

  • Lock Resource

  • Resource Pool

If you select Auto it automatically selects a target Control-M resource type.

PRIOR handling

Determines the following events:

  • Prev: Sets the event to a previous scheduling date.

  • Dummy job: Creates the event the following day.

Event Date for Everyday Job

Determines the generated Control-M in or event dates for everyday jobs.

This setting is only available when PRIOR handling is set to Prev.

  • Any: Enables the subsequent job to be set with an event date, so the event is deleted when the job ends.

  • Prev: Enables the subsequent job to be set with an event date, so that the event is not deleted when the job ends. For both options, the predecessor job sets the event to Run Date.

Keep active for

Defines the maximum number of days a job can wait for execution after run date. Valid value: Integer between 1 and 99.

This parameter influences Control-M jobs only if the WLM job definition BACKLOG value is set to YES.

First Day of the Week

Determines the first day of the week of your work environment.

Event Name Convention


Defines the character to separate the prefix, suffix, or events.


Defines the prefix to separate the events.


Defines the suffix to separate the events.


Determines the default format used for creating job dependencies.

The default format has 2 different conventions:


  • JOBA-ENDED-<Status>

Event name format that will be created

Determines the resulting format based on the changes made to the other options in the Event Name Convention area.

Delete Events

Determines to delete the event after the next job has finished running. Jobs which trigger more than one job may cause some successor jobs not to be triggered.



All Days Calendar Name

Defines the name of the calendar that runs every day.

Holidays Calendar Name

Defines the name of the holiday calendar.

Number of Year

Determines the number of years the calendars are used. This sets the range of dates for the Control-M calendars.

Trigger Jobs Conversion (DSCLOSEU)


Determines to activate the conversion of WLM trigger jobs. The Control-M File Watcher utility is used for the conversion of trigger jobs.


Determines the interval time in seconds between each file check. Valid value: An integer between 1 and 99.

Time Stop

Defines the stop time in the format, "hh:mm" to end file watching.

Station ID and Owner Table

Defines name of the station and person who has permissions to execute File Watcher jobs for each station.

You can use wildcards for both the Station ID and Owner fields: * for any word, and ? for any character.

Create File Watcher job per trigger

Determines to enable you to create a file watcher job per trigger. If you want to create a file watcher job per station leave the check box unchecked.

Parameter Configuration

Determines to enable the mapping of WLM parameters to Control-M parameters.


Determines to convert SAP jobs to Control-M.


Determines to run TACL scripts as TACL jobs in Control-M.

Broadcom Workload Automation DE (dSeries) Additional Conversion Settings

The following table lists the Workload Automation DE Additional Conversion Settings:

Conversion Settings



First Day of the Week

Determines the first day of the week of your Control-M work environment.

Notifications Urgency

Determines the urgency for converted job notifications. Select the urgency for notifications set by Control-M.



Determines how two jobs are connected by creating a unique event in the format: JOBA_JOBB.

Cleanup Events

Determines to delete the event after the next job has finished running.


Determines a dependence event between many jobs according its end status.

For more details, see Events.

Cron Additional Conversion Settings

The following table lists the Cron Additional Conversion Settings:

Conversion Settings



First Day of the Week

Determines the first day of the week of your Control-M work environment.

Action:Mail Generation

Determines email job notification behavior:

  • Never

  • Only if $MAILTO was defined in crontab: Sends email notifications to the email address that is defined in the $MAILTO variable in crontab.

    If this option is selected, it overrides any email address that you may have entered in the default email address field.

  • For All Jobs: Sends email notifications to the email address that you enter. You can also enter variables as part of the email address.


TWS Additional Conversion Settings

The following table lists the TWS Additional Conversion Settings:

Conversion Settings



Keep active for

Determines the maximum number of days that a Control-M job can wait for execution after the run date.

Valid values: 0-99 (integer) Default: 1

The Keep active for parameter effects Control-M jobs only when the TWS parent container has the CARRYFORWARD attribute.

First Day of the Week

Determines the first day of the week of your Control-M work environment.

Date Format

Determines the format for date input and display.

Convert OPENS statement to File Watcher

Converts an OPENS Statement in TWS to Control-M File Watcher.

Standalone Jobs

Determines whether to group all standalone jobs in one folder, or to create a different folder for each standalone job


Defines the default names for calendars of the following types:

  • Work days calendar

  • Free days calendar

  • All days calendar


Event pattern that will be created

Determines the event syntax

Remove job's events after job's completion

Determines whether to remove events after job completion.

Scheduling Conversion


Use ExcludeRBCs

Enables the Conversion Tool to convert TWS EXCEPT statements using the Rule Based Calendars.

Do not convert "EXCEPT" statements

Determines that EXCEPT statements are not converted to Control-M (default). An Error message WRN6022 is issued for each statement that is not converted.

TWS ON statements are converted to Control-M Rule Based Calendars.

Convert "EXCEPT" statements to dummy jobs

Determines that a dummy job is created for each EXCEPT statement. The converted folder depends on the event(s) released by the dummy job(s).

TWS ON statements are converted to Control-M rule-based calendars.

Convert "ON" and "EXCEPT" statements to dummy jobs

Determines that a dummy job is created for any ON or EXCEPT statement. This dummy job derives scheduling definitions from the corresponding statement.

The converted folder depends on the events released by the dummy jobs, with an OR between events created from ON statements, and a logical AND between events created from EXCEPT statements.

In addition to the dummy jobs, ON statements are converted to Rule Based Calendars (otherwise the folders are not run).

SAP Editor - TWS


Job Count

-i = <account_name> SAP account name


-user = the SAP job owner

Job Class

-c = <class_name> SAP job class

Job Name

-job = <job_name> the SAP job name

PeopleSoft Editor

Settings in this tab are available after selecting the Enable PeopleSoft conversion checkbox. If unselected, PeopleSoft jobs are converted to regular OS jobs in Control-M.

Process name

Defines the process name to be scheduled.


Defines the output destination type, specifying the file path, printer destination URL or email address.

Run Control

Defines the Run control attributes that are associated with a process or job.

Run Location

Defines the name of the server to be used for running the process or job.

OS400 Editor

Settings in this tab are available after selecting the Enable OS400 conversion checkbox. If unselected, OS/400 jobs are converted to regular OS jobs in Control-M.

Convert CALL commands to object type program

Enables the Conversion Tool to convert command line CALL <program> … to job type OS400 Program rather than OS/400 command line jobs.

For any TWS command line job that starts with the CALL command, the job type can be set to OS400 Program. The CALL command program name and the parameters are extracted from the command line into the appropriate job attributes.

Keyword for SUBMIT

Enables TWS to submit the job to batch, including the submit jobs attributes.

Keyword for DOCOMMAND

Enables TWS to run the command directly without submitting it to batch. There are no submit job attributes.

Control-M submits the job to batch. For SUBMIT mode, the submit job attributes are extracted from the SUBMIT string. For DOCOMMAND mode, the default submit job attributes are used.

JP1 Additional Conversion Settings

The following table lists the JP1 Additional Conversion Settings:

Conversion Settings



CID<Unique number>@JOBA-TO-JOBB

Determines how two jobs are connected by creating a unique event in the format: CID<Unique number>@JOBA@JOBB.

Select the Cleanup events checkbox to delete the event after the next job has finished running.

CID<Unique number>@JOBA-ENDED-<Status>

Determines the events between many jobs according to its end status.

For more details, see Events.

Task Scheduler Additional Conversion Settings

The following table lists the Task Scheduler Additional Conversion Settings:

Conversion Settings



Ignore disabled tasks

Causes disabled tasks to be ignored during conversion.

Ignore disabled triggers

Causes disabled triggers to be ignored during conversion.

Job/Folder Name Manipulation

Change prefix/suffix

Determines the character used to indicate the location in the filename where characters were removed.

Select one of the following options to shorten a filename that is too long:

  • Truncate characters from the beginning

  • Truncate characters from the end

Uniqueness suffix separator

Determines the character used to separate the original file name from the numbers that are added to the end of the file name.

Redwood CPS Additional Conversion Settings

The following table lists the Redwood CPS Additional Conversion Settings:

Conversion Settings


General Information

Keep active for

Determines the maximum number of days that a Control-M job can wait for execution after the run date.

Valid values: 0-99 (integer) Default: 1

First Day of the Week

Determines the first day of the week of your Control-M work environment.

Standalone Jobs

Determines whether to group all standalone jobs in one folder, or to create a different folder for each standalone job

Zena Additional Conversion Settings

The following table lists the Zena Additional Conversion Settings:

Conversion Settings



First Day of the Week

Determines the first day of the week of your Control-M work environment.

Keep active for

Determines the maximum number of days that a Control-M job can wait for execution after the run date.

Valid values: 0-99 (integer) Default: 3



Determines how two jobs are connected by creating a unique event in the format: JOBA_JOBB.

Cleanup Events

Determines to delete the event after the next job has finished running.


Determines a dependence event between many jobs according its end status.

For more details, see Events.

Hadoop-Oozie Additional Conversion Settings

The following table lists the Hadoop-Oozie Additional Conversion Settings:

Conversion Settings



First Day of the Week

Determines the first day of the week of your Control-M work environment.

Keep active for

Determines the maximum number of days that a Control-M job can wait for execution after the run date.

Valid values: 0-99 (integer) Default: 3



Determines how two jobs are connected by creating a unique event in the format: JOBA_JOBB.

Cleanup Events

Determines to delete the event after the next job has finished running.


Determines a dependence event between many jobs according its end status.

For more details, see Events.

SAP Additional Conversion Settings

The following table lists the SAP Additional Conversion Settings:




Default Connection Profile

Defines the connection profile name, which appears in the Connection Profile field in the Job Properties pane in Control-M.

By adding a Default account value, the connection profile is automatically added to a Control-M for SAP R/3 job.

You still need to define the connection profile in the Control-M Configuration Manager (CCM).

Default Target Server

Defines the default target server. The default value appears in the Exec. Target field in the Job Properties pane in Control-M client.

  • If unspecified, SAP determines a parameter value during runtime.

  • To change the target server to group, after loading the converted data into Control-M, in Control-M client use the find and update feature to search for the target server and replace it with group.

Set Starting Event from Event ID and Parameters

Converts the SAP job Event ID and EVENT param to the After event parameter in the Start Event field in the Job Properties pane in Control-M.

When the check box is selected, if the Event ID is SAP_END_OF_JOB, a Control-M event is created between the predecessor and the successor jobs.

Include periodic values

Determines whether SAP periodic values are converted to Control-M cyclic values.

Convert SAP planned start date/time to Control-M SAP jobs

Converts SAP application jobs start date and/or time to Control-M for SAP start date and/or time.

Job Mode


Copies an existing job in SAP, which enables you to set the job count setting from the drop-down list.


Creates a new SAP job.