
After you load converted data to the Control-M environment, you must do the following:

AutoSys Post-Processing

The AutoSys conversion results may include the items described in the following topics.

AutoSys Information and Warning Messages

The following table describes some of the AutoSys information and warning messages and the corrective action.

Message ID

Message Description



Value truncated. Manually correct the Run As user

It is typical for the defined owner in AutoSys to refer to a fully qualified domain host name, such as, which is truncated if it exceeds 30 characters. These errors need to be corrected by ensuring that the job looks at the correct agent with the correct user name. Remove


Cannot redirect only STDERR

None required. In AutoSys it is usual to send STDOUT and STDERR to different locations. Control-M Conversion adjusts both to send to the same location.


Calendar required

A Calendar needs to be created.


Updated redirection

None required. Additional redirection of the output can be pointed at a location using AutoSys variables. These are converted to Control-M variables in the job definition.


The command line exceeds 512 characters.

You can shorten the command line or manually change it to Control-M embedded script.


AutoSys utility ‘XXX’ used

Identify the utility and review possible solutions.


Unconvertible attribute <attribute name>

No available attribute with Control-M. Review options. Reports a function in AutoSys that is not available with Control-M.

If the attribute is term_run_time, then the Control-M job definition needs to be updated to have a shout to a destination that points to a ctmkilljob script (P) based on EXECTIME options.


Cannot convert attribute <attribute name> for group entities

Typically start times or minutes defined on the box level. Change the job to be cyclic


Failed to convert <sub condition>

Unable to convert failure status on the job dependency. Review the predecessor to set condition on failure that matches up with a condition name in the successor job.


Time zone ‘XXX’ could not be converted to a Control-M/Server time zone.

If only a few, correct manually. If more, correct the source time-zone file or mass update the JIL file.


Conditions nesting cannot be converted <formula substring>

Usually a mix of AND/OR statements or variables used as dependencies. Review and adjust manually.

AutoSys Utilities

The following table describes the AutoSys utilities that you may encounter when running a conversion. The most common utility is SENDEVENT which is used to manipulate the Broadcom-AutoSys definitions and live schedule.

Utility Name




Archives data from AutoSys database

Delete job


List AutoSys installation information

Delete job


Manage AutoSys authentication certificates

Delete job


Runs AutoSys Application Server

Delete job


Open Service Desk helpdesk tickets

Create script to call Service Desk Helpdesk to open incidents and replace CLI


Maintains the AutoSys time-zones table

Delete job


Aggregates AutoSys data

Replace with ctmjsa *


AutoSys calendar utility

Delete job


AutoSys workload utility

Delete job


Print AutoSys system configuration information

Delete job


Verifies the connectivity of AutoSys server and client machines

Replace with ctmping or delete job


Reports information about AutoSys jobs

Delete job


Obtain the access level AutoSys Job assets from the security subsystem

Delete job


Retrieves the status of Adapter jobs

Delete job


Reports the status of AutoSys jobs or global variables

Delete job


Maintain AutoSys security features

Delete job


Displays AutoSys log files

Delete job


Tracks changes AutoSys database

Delete job


Verifies the status of AutoSys environment

Delete job


Verifies status of the AutoSys Scheduler and database

Delete job


Removes AutoSys Agent log files

Delete job


Translates crontab files into JIL format

Delete job


Starts AutoSys

Delete job


Defines AutoSys jobs and objects

Investigate use of job, and replace with Control-M ctmdefine/ctmcreate or other utility


Cleans the AutoSys job_delete database table

Delete job


Reports on AutoSys job dependencies and events

Delete job


Runs an AutoSys monitor or report (browser)

Delete job

















ctmcontb –ADD

execute the ctmkilljob script

Delete job

ctmcontb –ADD

ctmcontb –DELETE

Delete job

Delete job

Delete job

ctmvar –ACTION SET

Delete job

time 0

Calculates AutoSys time



Provides access to the Sybase database

Review use of this command, potentially delete job, or create Control-M equivalent


Provides access to the Oracle database

Review use of this command, potentially delete job, or create Control-M equivalent

TWS Post-Processing

The conversion results may include the items described in the following topics:

TWS Recovery Options

The Conversion tool automatically adjusts or report TWS job RECOVERY conditional statements as found in the jobs.txt file.

The following table lists the possible options for RECOVERY:

Recovery Sub-parameter


Control-M equivalent


If the job fails, do not continue processing

Handled by Conversion tool


If the job fails, continue with the next job in the sequence

Handled by Conversion tool


If the job fails, rerun it

Handled by Conversion tool


If the job fails, submit a recovery job



If the job fails, issue a message to the operator


RECOVERY AFTER statements issue a conversion message WRN0016 - Unable to create an assisting job to enable the RECOVERY AFTER option. Scan the jobs.txt file for occurrences of ‘RECOVERY AFTER’, and apply the required job-name as the DO FORCEJOB parameters for Control-M.

The ABENDPROMPT statement can also issue messages in different ways.

  • text: Maximum of 64 characters to be displayed in the event of job failure

  • :text: The prompt is displayed but requires no intervention

  • !text: The prompt is not displayed but requires a reply to continue the schedule

In each scenario, it is advised to issue ON NOTOK, DO SHOUT messages that advise the operator on the appropriate course of action.

TWS Warning Messages

The following table describes some TWS warning messages and the corrective action. This does not include all of the TWS information, warning, and error messages.


Product Message ID

Message Description




<vendor> <attribute name> is not supported by Control-M

Reports a function in TWS that is not available with Control-M. For more information, see Warning WRN002.



<vendor> <attribute name> and <value> cannot be implemented in Control-M

Recovery options (AFTER or ABENDPROMPT have been defined within the job definition. These are not supported by Control-M. These should be manually updated IF ACTION FORCEJOB and IF ACTION SHOUT statements



Unable to create assisting job

RECOVERY AFTER - Manually update the job definition with IF/ACTIONOFORCEJOB



The command line exceeds 512 characters.

You can shorten the command line or manually change it to Control-M embedded script.



Reports errors in the TWS data.

For example the AT or UNTIL parameter should be in the format hhmm. Sometimes TWS users forget to fully qualify the time. You need to identify the correct time, and either fix TWS or modify the input file to have the correct times.



Runcycle definition cannot be converted.

Typically, the required dates are in the past and not an issue. The job is converted with no scheduling criteria as it is assumed these are ad-hoc jobs.



Attribute converted partially

Typically these relate to scheduling days/dates/calendars. These need to be resolved manually by creating or updating a calendar to meet the required criteria.



Unable to retrieve job definitions

You need to verify that this job is no longer required and either clean-up TWS, remove it from the source data or ignore this error.



TWS OPENS statement cannot be convert

These are equivalent to the CTMFW. These are typically due to variables being included within the OPENS statement, review and correct

Warning WRN002

WRN0002 message reports a function in TWS that is not available with Control-M.


  • AT 0000
  • EVERY 0100
  • UNTIL 2359
  • ONUNTIL SUPPR: The SUPPRess statements set any job(s) with the SUPPR condition to a state of success once the ONUNTIL time is passed, even though they have not yet started. Control-M handles this condition by following the same rules as ONUNTIL CANC.

  • suppr: The final job stream state is HOLD if the job stream contains at least one every job. Otherwise the final state is calculated using the normal rules and the jobs with the optiononuntil suppr are considered in SUCC state when the until time occurs, even if their dependencies have actually not been released.

  • ONUNTIL CANC: The CANCEL command is effective for a job or job stream and is related to jobs that have not yet dispatched. The job or job stream is canceled when the until time specified expires. Any job or job stream that was dependent on the completion of a job or job stream that was canceled runs because the dependency no longer exists in TWS. To handle this with Control-M, it requires a combination to use CTMPSM parameters.

With a script on the Control-M/Server or Control-M/Agent machine with a content of:

  • Windows: ctmpsm_script_location”\ctmpsm -UPDATEAJF %2 SETTOOK
  • UNIX: ctmpsm_script_location”\ctmpsm -UPDATEAJF $2 SETTOOK

This is an alert mechanism that allows the job to continue. The job or job stream runs when all necessary conditions are met and a notification message is written to the log when the until time elapses. This can be simply addressed using the Control-M Shout options.

TWS Utilities

The following table describes the most common TWS utilities that you may encounter when running a conversion:

Utility Name




Issues commands directly to TWS. For more information on common Conman options, see Common Conman Options.

Replace with Control-M commands


Converts date and time information into the required format.

Replace with ctmcaldate


Removes scripts and output by name

None required


Reports job information

None required


Creates calendars

None required


Displays, adds and updates parameters

Replace with ctmsetvar


Frees up resources

Replace with ecaqrtab update statements


Issues events to the TWS environment

Possible Global Conditions

Common Conman Options

The following table describes the common conman options in a TWS environment:

Command Name


Control-M Action


Adds a dependency to jobs or schedules

ctmcontb -add


Cancels the required job or schedule

Options could be ctmkilljob or ctmpsm ‘hold & delete’


Confirms a job start

None required


Deletes a job or schedule predecessor

ctmcontb -delete


Kills a job



Releases a job or schedule to run

Options could be to do nothing and let the operator make the decision or use ctmcontb to dynamically add a condition


Reply to a message prompt

No Control-M equivalent. May need to consider CONFIRM


Submits jobs, schedules or DOCOMMAND statements.

ctmorder/force. If Submit DOCOMMAND, there is no equivalent in Control-M.

Dollar Universe Post-Processing

Before you run Dollar Universe HDP jobs, you must configure Control-M otherwise these jobs cannot run correctly.

After you have converted your HDP jobs, the jobs are loaded into Control-M. When you open Control-M client, you see all the converted jobs in a Workspace in the Planning domain. If you have selected Append events for viewing links between jobs in Control-M in the Conversion Tool HDP options, you see how the jobs are linked together in the Planning and Monitoring domains in Control-M. For more information about the Conversion Tool HDP options, see HDP Option Parameters.

Control-M links HDP jobs through the following job prerequisites and job actions in Control-M:

  • Events: Specifies one or more events which correspond to the successful completion of another job. An Event is usually associated with an Event of a successful completion of a predecessor job. Also defines events which are added or deleted to the Events table when the job ends for a predecessor job. For more information, see Events.

  • If Action: Defines automatic interventions such as rerunning a job or running a remedial job. For more information, see Actions.

If you want to add or delete an HDP job, see HDP Job Management.

When a job runs on several hosts, a message is sent to Control-M script, using the Notify to Program functionality.

-host_group T_1 -job_to_order HDP_TEST_02#0002 -folder EXP_HDP_SES_01_T_1 -MU_type T -relationship CHILDREN -event_variable %%ORDERID

All parameters are mandatory. –event_variable must be defined as %%ORDERID. For further information about the parameters, see Message Parameters.

When the script receives the message, it finds host groups that match the criteria by scanning the MUdependencies.txt file (which contains relations between hosts). The script then performs CTM order on every host group that matches the criteria. The MUdependencies are performed according to the following parameters:

  • -host_group

  • -MU_type

  • -Relationship

MUdependencies.txt contains the following values:



T_1 T_2

T_1 T_3

T_1 T_1

T_1 T_4

T_1 T_5

T_1 T_6

T_1 T_7

T_1 T_3

T_1 T_1

The script contains the following message:

-host_group T_1 -job_to_order HDP_TEST_02#0002 -folder EXP_HDP_SES_01_T_1 -MU_type T -relationship CHILDREN -event_variable %%ORDERID

The script performs ctmorder on the Child relationship with Type T, related to Host T_1. The script starts scanning the MUdependcies.txt and then performs ctmorder for Job HDP_TEST_02#0002 from Folder EXP_HDP_SES_01_T_1 on 3 host groups:

T_2 , T_3 , T_4 but not on K_1 that has a different type.

HDP Option Parameters

The following table describes the HDP options parameters.

HDP Options


Append events for viewing links between jobs in Control-M

Enables you to view the flow between jobs in the Planning and Monitoring domains in Control-M client.

Shout destination name for ctmorder script

Defines the name of the destination file in your environment which is necessary for adding a Shout destination in Control-M client.

Configuring a Control-M HDP Job

This procedure describes how to configure HDP jobs on Control-M.


  1. Run the Host Group script that was generated in the Conversion. The Host Group script defines where the converted jobs are run on specific host groups. For more information about generating the Host Group script, see Generating Scripts for Control-M/Server .

  2. Configure the Control-M environment, as described in Configuring the Control-M Environment. After you have converted HDP jobs, you must add the notification destination otherwise after the first job is run, the next job may not run as the destination has not been defined.

Configuring the Control-M Environment

This procedure describes how to prepare the Control-M environment before you can start running converted HDP jobs in Control-M client.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have generated the Host Group script and you have move it to your Control-M/Server location.


  1. Run the generated Host Group script in the Control-M/Server.

  2. In the <conversion home>/workarea/datasources/<project name>/CONVERSIONS/<conversion result name>/HDP folder, copy the following files to your Control-M/Server machine:

    • Windows:, orderscript.bat, and MuDependencies.txt

    • UNIX:,, and MuDependencies.txt

  3. Start Control-M Configuration Manager.

  4. Create a notification destination, as described in Creating a Notification Destination.

Creating a Notification Destination

This procedure describes how to create a notification destination.


  1. From the Manage tab, in the Alerts group, click Notification Destination.

    The Notification Destination Manager window appears.

  2. From the list of shout destination tables, select the shout destination table to edit.

  3. From the Actions menu, select Add Shout Destination.

    The New Destination properties window appears.

  4. In the Logical Name field, type a logical name up to 16 characters. This field is case sensitive.
  5. The name needs to match the Shout destination name for 'ctmorder script' in the HDP Options area in the Conversion Tool, as described in HDP Option Parameters.

  6. From the Address drop-down list, select Server or Agent.

  7. From the Destination drop-down list, select Program.

  8. In the Value field, type the destination where you placed the orderjobs.bat file, as described in Configuring the Control-M Environment.

  9. Click OK.

    The shout destination is created.

  10. Repeat for each Notification Destination table.

HDP Job Management

After you have imported the HDP jobs into Control-M and configured the Control-M environment, you may want to add or delete an HDP job. If so you need to change the Job Prerequisites and job actions in Control-M to include a new job in the current workflow, otherwise the new job is not run. For more information about adding an HDP job, see: Adding an HDP Job in Control-M.

The Conversion Tool uses the ctmorder utility when you convert HDP jobs to Control-M, which runs or forces one or more jobs from a folder into Control-M/Server. The parameters for the ctmorder utility appear in the Message field in the If Action. If you add or delete an HDP job, you need to change the Message parameters, as described in Message Parameters. For more information, see ctmorder.

In the General tab of the Job Properties pane, in the Host/Host Group field, a Hostgroupplaceholder appears. This field is overridden according to the Host group used in the If Action of the ordered job.

Adding an HDP Job in Control-M

This procedure describes how to add an HDP job in Control-M, that was not converted to Control-M.

If the HDP job is the first job in your Workflow you do not need to create an Event.


  1. From the Workspace tab, New area, drag and drop one of the job templates from the Job Palette into an existing folder.

    A job is created in the existing folder.

  2. Link the preceding job to the current Workflow, as described in Linking a Preceding Job to the New Job.

  3. Create Events, as described in Creating a Notification Destination.

  4. Create an If Action, as described in Creating an If Action.

  5. Create an Event, as described in Creating an Event.

Linking a Preceding Job to the New Job

This procedure describes how to link a preceding job to the new job you created in the Workflow in the Planning domain in Control-M client.

In a Workflow you have 2 jobs: Job A and Job B. If you want to add Job A1, the new job flow is JOB A, JOBA1 and JOBB. Click Job A to link JOBA to JOBA1.


  1. Click the preceding job in the workflow that you want the new job to link to.

    The Job Properties pane appears.

  2. Click Actions.

  3. In the If Actions field, click the If Action.

    The If Actions window appears.

    If there is more than one If Action, select the If Action which contains the run job command.

  4. In the Message field, change the jobName parameter to the new job name that you have created.

    If you want to change the host or host group where you want to run the job, edit the HOST ID/HOST GROUP variables.

    Click OK.

  5. In the Events field, click .

    The Event Details window appears.

  6. In the Name field, type the name of the event in the following format:

    <event name>%%ORDERID.

    The Name must be identical to the Event name that you want the job to link to.

    Control-M searches for the job name to link the event.

  7. If needed, change the Run Date and Add/Delete The Event fields.

Message Parameters

After conversion, if you want to add or delete an HDP job you need to change the Message field in the If Action. The Message field contains the ctmorder utility parameters which enables you to order or force jobs in Control-M.

The following table describes the Message parameters:




Defines the folder name. For the current folder use %%SCHEDTAB.


Defines the name of job that the current job connects.


Defines the name of the host group where you want to run the job. This variable is overridden for the specified job when it is run.


Defines the relationship between the value specified in the -host_group parameter and the host groups that the job specified in the -job_to_order will run on. One of 5 possible values:

  • Children

  • Brothers

  • Parents

  • Specific

  • None


Defines the type of host groups that the specified job will run on.


Includes the %%Monitoring_view_variable, which enables you to link jobs in the Monitoring domain.

Creating Events

This procedure describes how to create Events, which links the events between the predecessor job and the new job you want to add.


  1. In the Events area, click +.

  2. From the Events Details window, in the Name field, type the name in the following format:

    <event name>%%ORDERID

    The Name must be identical to the Event name in the predecessor job that you want the job to link to.

    Control-M searches for the job name to link the event.

  3. Complete the remaining parameters.

  4. Click OK.

  5. Add another Event by repeating step 1.

  6. From the Events Details window, in the Name field, type the name in the following format:

    <job_name> %% <Monitoring_view_variable>

    The Monitoring_view_variable enables you to link jobs in the Monitoring domain in Control-M client.

    To locate the Monitoring_view_variable, from the predecessor job, click the If Action and copy the variable from the Message field. If there is more than one If Action, select the If Action, which contains the order job command.

  7. Repeat Step 3 and 4.

  8. Continue with Linking Events.

Linking Events

This procedure describes how to link events, which links the events between the predecessor job and the new job you want to add.


  1. In the Events area, in the Events Relationship field, select Set Manually.

  2. Double click the first event.

    Events Details window appears.

  3. In the Opening Bracket field and select (.

  4. In the Relationship field select OR.

  5. Click OK

  6. Double click the last event.

    Events Details window appears.

  7. In Relationship select AND.

  8. Closing bracket select ).

  9. Click OK.

Creating an If Action

This procedure describes how to create an If Action for a new HDP job.

You need to copy the destination and message parameters from the predecessor job by clicking the If Action which contains NOTIFY in the Action field and Destination as the destination that has been defined in the CCM in the Shout Destination.


  1. In the Actions area, from the If Actions field, click +.

  2. In the On field select one of the following:

    • Job Ended OK

    • Job Ended Not OK

  3. In the Action field, select Notify.

  4. In the Destination field, copy the destination from the predecessor job.

  5. In the Message field, copy the message from the predecessor job and change the -job_to_order parameter to the new job name that you have created, as described in Message Parameters.

  6. In the Urgency field select the Urgency you require.

  7. Click OK.

    For more information about the If Action fields, see Actions.

Creating an Event

This procedure describes how to create an Event link the new job to the successor job.


  1. From Action, in the Events area, click +.

  2. From the Events Details window, in the Name field, type the name in the following format:


    The Name must be identical to the Event name in the successor job that you want the job you want to link to.

    Control-M searches for the name job to link the event.

  3. Complete the remaining parameters, as described in Events.

  4. Click OK.

Deleting an HDP Job

This procedure describes how to delete an HDP job from Control-M.


Cron Post-Processing

After you complete the conversion process, both the Conversion_discovery_Cron jobs folder and the new Control-M converted jobs folder appear in the Planning domain.

To disable the original jobs that run on Cron Scheduler that are now running in Control-M, run the disabled jobs that you defined during conversion. This deactivates the original jobs and stops them from running on Cron Scheduler.

Task Scheduler Post-Processing

After you complete the conversion process, both the Conversion_discovery_MS jobs folder and the new Control-M converted jobs folder appear in the Planning domain.

To disable the original jobs that run on MS Task Scheduler that are now running in Control-M, run the disabled jobs that you defined during conversion. This deactivates the original jobs and stops them from running on MS Task Scheduler.