Health Check

The Health Check utility (HCU) collects the environment information and logs, and puts them into a zip (Windows) or tar.Z (Linux) file for troubleshooting purposes. This includes information about the Agent host computer such as; OS version, patch level, kernel setting, memory consumption, list of running processes, OS system and error logs, hardware configuration, and network configuration. This program is used at the request of Technical Support to determine the cause of a problem. Running a Health Check utility (HCU) creates a log file that specifies what processes ran and what information was written to the package file. The contents of the log file indicate what proprietary information is included in the package file.

The HCU writes log files to the following directories:

  • Log: <AGENT_HOME>/ctm/proclog/ctma_data_collector_<TIME_STAMP>_<OS_TYPE>_<HOSTNAME>_display.log

  • HCU Package:

    • Windows: <AGENT_HOME>/hcu_package/ctma_data_<TIME_STAMP>_<OS_TYPE>_<HOSTNAME>.zip

    • Linux: ctma_data_<TIME_STAMP>_<OS_TYPE>_<HOSTNAME>.tar.Z

Running the Health Check Utility

This procedure describes how to run the Health Check utility with default parameters, which enables you to collect and package the data generally required by BMC Support.


  • From the <Agent home directory>\exe (Windows) or $CONTROLM/exe (Linux), specify the following command:

    <full path>ctma_data_collector

    To view the entire list of actions performed by the utility, see the log file right after executing the utility.

    <C:\Program Files\BMC Software\Control-M Agent\Default\proclog\ctm_data_collector_20201103_110037_MSWin32_vw-tlv-ctm-dvl2_display.log>

Health Check Utility Parameters

The following table describes the Health Check utility parameters:




(optional) Products and applications that the utility can gather data.

Category (OS)

Defines the Operating System related physical resource. This information includes the following:

  • Operating System version

  • Hardware configuration

  • Software, hotfixes and patches installed

  • Environment variables and files

  • System resources limits

  • Kernel parameters

  • Swap space

  • System and application logs

  • Scheduled tasks

  • Start up files

  • File system information

  • ini files (Windows)

  • Resource consumption

  • List of running processes

  • Network settings

  • Locate and timezone information


(optional) A Profile is a predefined combination of Components and Categories. If you specify one or more Profiles, do not specify Components or Categories.


You can optionally specify one or more of the following:

  • -Simulate: Simulates execution of a Health Check utility. This allows the user to verify that specified parameter values are appropriate.

  • -Days: (default: 2) Determines the maximum number of days in the past for which the utility gathers the information. This option only affects log files relevant to BMC Software components.

  • -Max_size: (default: 300) In megabytes, the maximum size of the compressed file packed by a Health Check utility.

  • -Trace: Run a trace on the Health Check utility run. This generates the following log file: ctm_data_collector_<YYYYMMDD>_<HHMMSS>_<PLATFORM_TYPE>_<HOSTNAME>.log

  • -Verbose: Outputs the utility processes to your display. By default, only processed categories are displayed.

  • -Help or -h: Displays the utility’s usage.

  • -Batch: Run in batch mode.