OS2200 Job

The following table describes the OS2200 job type attributes:



Account ID

(Optional) Defines the desired account ID to be set on the runcard of the Job.


(Mandatory) Defines the qualifier name of the Job runstream location.


(Mandatory) Defines the file name of the Job runstream location.


(Optional) Defines the cycle number of the file. Default: 1


(Optional) Defines the element name within the file that contains the Job runstream location.


(Optional) Defines the version of the element.

Overriding Qualifier

(Optional) Defines a temporarily-modified qualifier name of the Job runstream location without changing the original.

Command line

(Mandatory) Defines the command line entry, if this is a Command type of Job.


(Optional) Defines the command line instruction to be executed before the specified command line.


(Optional) Defines the command line instruction to be executed after the specified command line.


(Optional) Defines the Job's OS2200 processing priority.


(Optional) Determines the options to be set with the @START command.

Run ID

(Optional) Defines the desired run ID to be set on the runcard of the Job. Default: order_ID run_Number

Project ID

(Optional) Defines the desired project ID to be set on the runcard of the Job.

Do not use @SYM and @BRKPT in Job wrapper

Defines that an additional @SYM and @BRKPT will not be added to the Job’s wrapper.

  • Checked: There is no additional @SYM or @BKRPT redirection statements besides the ones contained by the Job’s JCL. The Output will be written only if MULTIPLE_SYM is set to Y or Y-ALL (Equivalent to Printout data to include in Output is set to All Job printouts. The printouts can be retained or not retained). See Multiple SYM options.
  • Cleared: (Default) The Job’s wrapper will include @BRKPT and @SYM redirection to the queue of the user id under which the Job is executing.

Use original runcard from user Job runstream

Uses the runcard as specified in the Job runstream in the Job wrapper. Default: unchecked

Use Run id from autoedit variable or Job's runstream

Uses the run Id on the Job runcard on submission, based on the value of the Run Id field, or based on the run Id as specified on the original Job's runstream runcard.

Equivalent: USER-RUNIDS

Allow Job submission under different owner

Runs the Job under the specified user Id via the @START,/U option.

Analyze and translate variables in Job runstream

Parses user runstream content and resolve any specified variables. Default: unchecked.

Equivalent: RUNSARG

Inc.Job bkp.output

Includes user runstream’s @SYM or @BRKPT parts in output.

  • Default: The default value as set by the MULTIPLE_SYM configuration parameter
  • Yes and delete all output
  • No and retain Job output
  • Yes, and retain all output
  • No, and retain all output

Do not set Job owner to Job wrapper on submission

Does not set the Job wrapper’s owner to the specified user. Default: unchecked

Equivalent: SKIPCHGOWN

Perform account validation

before submission

An option to validate the specified account before allowing submission. Default: unchecked

Bypass checking of the

status file indicator

Bases the Job completion and exit code solely on the Job’s completion statistics.

Do not run user Job via @ADD in Job wrapper

Executes user Job content as is. Default: unchecked

Set Condition

Defines a positive octal number to be placed in T2 of the condition word of the run being scheduled.


Defines the estimated number of printed pages expected as output from the run.

Run time

Defines the estimated run time in standard units of processing (SUP). This is roughly equivalent to minutes, or use a leading 'S' to set seconds.


Determines the elapsed time since run submission or the time of day (Dhhmm) when a run must complete, based on a 24-hour clock.


Defines the estimated number of cards expected as output from the run.

Start time

Defines the earliest time when a run can be processed. The format of this value is the same as for DEADLINE.