VMware Job

The following table describes the VMware job type attributes:



Connection Profile

Defines the Control-M for VMware Connection Profile.

Control-M rule: 1-30 characters (uppercase only)


Determines the task type to perform, as follows:

Power Task Job Attributes

The following table describes the VMware Power Task job attributes:




Determines the task performed on the VM, as follows:

  • Power On: Starts up the selected VM

  • Power Off: Shuts down the selected VM

  • Suspend: Disables execution capabilities on the selected VM

  • Reset: Resets the selected VM

  • Reboot Guest: Restarts the VM

  • Shutdown Guest: Shuts down the VM

  • Standby Guest: Switches the VM to a standby state

Virtual Machine Name

Defines the VM where you want to perform the power task.

Ignore Task if already in desired power state

Determines whether to ignore the task if already in the required power state.

Snapshot Task Job Attributes

The following table describes the VMware Snapshot Task job attributes:




Determines the task performed on the VM, as follows:

  • Take Snapshot: Creates a snapshot of the selected VM

  • Revert to Snapshot: Changes the execution state of the VM to the state of the selected snapshot

  • Revert to Current Snapshot: Changes the execution state of the VM to the state of the current snapshot

  • Remove Snapshot: Removes the selected VM

  • Remove all Snapshots: Removes all snapshots that are associated with the selected VM

Virtual Machine Name

Defines the VM where you want to perform the shapshot task.

Snapshot Name

Defines the name of the snapshot that you want to perform a snapshot task.

Snapshot Description

Enables you to write a free text description about the snapshot.

Snapshot the virtual

machine’s memory

Determines whether to take a snapshot of the VM’s memory.

Quiesce guest file system

(Needs VMware tools


Pause the running processes on the VM so that file system contents are in a known consistent state when the snapshot is

taken. This applies only to VMs that are powered on.

Configuration Task Job Attribute

The following table describes the VMware Configuration Task job attributes:




Determines the task performed on the VM, as follows:

  • Clone Virtual Machine: Creates a clone of the selected VM

  • Deploy from Template: Creates a VM from the selected template

  • Reconfigure Virtual Machine: Edits the settings of the selected VM

  • Migrate Virtual Machine: Migrates a VM’s execution to a specific resource pool or host

Virtual Machine Name

Defines the hostname of the VM where a configuration task is performed.

New Virtual Machine Name

Defines the clone hostname of the new VM.

Template Name

Defines the name of VM template that is used to create a VM.


Defines which host the VM is connected.

Resource Pool

Defines which resource pool the VM is connected.

Data Source

Defines which data source the VM is connected.

Customization Specification

Defines a specific customization that is applied to this VM after it is created. You can use this customization to add a computer name and add it to the network, which enables you to automate the job flow in Control-M.

Post Action

Determines to do one of the following after you clone a VM:

  • Power On

  • Mark as Template

Power on this virtual machine after creation

Determines whether to start up the VM after it is created.

Edit Device Settings

Determines configuration settings for the following:

  • Number of CPUs

  • Memory Size

  • Disk Size


Defines the priority level that the VM server applies to the migrate task.

Power State

Defines the power state that the VM needs be set at to perform the configuration task.