Virtual Machine Connection Profiles

The following sections provide information about the parameters of connection profiles for Virtual Machine software.

AWS EC2 Virtual Machine Connection Profile

The following table describes AWS EC2 Virtual Machine connection profile parameters.



EC2 Region

Determines the location of the AWS user.

EXAMPLE: us-east-1


Determines one of the following methods of AWS authentication:

  • AWS Key: Authenticates using an access key and secret.
  • AWS Role: Authenticates based on an IAM role, which removes the need to provide additional credentials.

EC2 Access Key

(AWS Key) Defines the Access key ID for connection to AWS.
EC2 Secret Key (AWS Key) Defines the secret access key for connection to AWS.

IAM Role

(AWS Role) Defines the IAM Role for connection to AWS.

Connection Timeout

Determines the number of seconds to wait for the trigger call made by Control-M to AWS EC2 before timing out.

Default: 20 seconds

Azure Virtual Machine Connection Profile

The following table describes Azure Virtual Machine connection profile parameters.



Subscription ID

Determines the Azure account subscription ID.

You can retrieve the subscription ID from the Subscription menu in the Azure portal.

Authentication Method

Determines one of the following authentication types:

  • Managed Identity: Authenticates using an Azure Active Directory token, which removes the need to provide additional credentials.

  • Service Principal: Authenticates using an application ID (service account) and client secret.

Specify Managed Identity Client ID

(Managed Identity) Determines whether the client ID for your Managed Identity is defined by the Managed Identity Client ID parameter.

Select this check box if you are using the Managed Identity authentication method and you have multiple Managed Identities defined on your Azure virtual machine.

Managed Identity Client ID

(Managed Identity) Determines which client ID to use as the Managed Identity.

This parameter requires a value only if you have multiple Managed Identities defined on your Azure virtual machine and you selected the Specify Managed Identity Client ID check box.

If you have only one Managed Identity, it is detected automatically.

Managed Identity authentication is based on an Azure token that is valid, by default, for 24 hours. Token lifetime can be extended by Azure.

Tenant ID

(Service Principal) Defines the Azure Tenant ID in the Azure Virtual Machine.

Resource Group

Defines the name of the resource group where the function app is located.

Application ID

(Service Principal) Defines the application (service principal) ID of the registered application for the Azure Virtual Machine.

The service principal must be an Azure Functions workspace user with a Contributor or Owner role associated.

Client Secret

(Service Principal) Defines the client secret (password) associated with the Azure user and the application.

Azure Login URL

(Service Principal) Defines the Azure VM authentication endpoint base URL.


Connection Timeout

Defines a timeout value, in seconds, for the trigger call made by Control-M to the Azure VM.

Default: 20 seconds

Google Virtual Machine Connection Profile

The following table describes Google Virtual Machine connection profile parameters.



Identity Type

Determines one of the following authentication types using GCP Access Control:

  • Service Account: Authenticates using an application ID (service account) and client secret.

  • IAM: Authenticates based on a detected IAM role, which removes the need to provide additional credentials.


(Service Account) Defines the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) authentication endpoint.


Service Account Key

(Service Account) Defines a service account that is associated with an RSA key pair.

Connection Timeout

Determines the number of seconds to wait for the trigger call made by Control-M to GCP before timing out.

Default: 20 seconds