Virtual Machine Jobs

The following sections provide information about the parameters and attributes of jobs that work with Virtual Machine software.

AWS EC2 Virtual Machine Job

AWS EC2 Virtual Machine (VM) is a cloud computing platform. The following table describes the AWS EC2 Virtual Machine job type attributes.



Connection profile

Defines the connection profile for the job.


  • Characters: 1−30

  • Case Sensitive: Yes

  • Invalid Characters: Spaces


Determines one of the following operations to perform on the AWS EC2 Virtual Machine.

  • Create: Creates a new virtual machine.

  • Create from Instance Template: Creates a new virtual machine based on a template.

  • Start: Starts an existing virtual machine.

  • Stop: Stops a running virtual machine.

  • Reboot: Resets a virtual machine.

  • Terminate: Deletes an existing virtual machine.

Launch Template ID

Defines the template to use to create a VM from a template.

Instance ID

Defines the name of the VM instance where you want to run the operation.

This parameter is available for all operations except for the Create operations.

Instance Name

Defines the name of a new VM instance for Create operations.

Placement Availability Zone

Determines which AWS EC2 zone to use for a Create operation.

Instance Type

Determines the software requirements of the host computer when you create a new AWS EC2 Virtual Machine.

Subnet ID

Defines the Subnet ID that is required to launch the instance in a Create operation.

Key Name

Defines the security credential key set for a Create operation.

Image ID

Defines the ID of the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that is required to launch the instance in a Create operation.

Number of copies

Determines the number of copies of the VM to create in a Create operation.

Default: 1

Get Instance logs

Determines whether to display logs from the AWS EC2 instance at the end of the job output.

This parameter is available for all operations except for the Terminate operation.

Verification Poll Interval

Determines the number of seconds to wait before job status verification.

Default: 15 seconds


Determines the number of retries to rerun a job.

Default: 2 times

Azure Virtual Machine Job

Azure Virtual Machine is a cloud computing platform. The following table describes the Azure Virtual Machine job type attributes.



Connection profile

Defines the connection profile for the job.


  • Characters: 1−30

  • Case Sensitive: Yes

  • Invalid Characters: Spaces

VM Name

Defines the name of the Azure Virtual Machine to run the operation.


Determines one of the following operations to perform on the Azure Virtual Machine

  • Create\Update: Creates a new virtual machine.

  • Delete: Deletes an existing virtual machine.

  • Deallocate: Empties a virtual machine.

  • Reset: Resets a virtual machine.

  • Start: Starts a virtual machine.

  • Stop: Stops a running virtual machine.

Input Parameters

Defines the input parameters in JSON format for a Create operation.

Format: {"param1":"value1", "param2", "value2", …}

Get Logs

Determines whether to display logs from Azure VM at the end of the job output.

This parameter is available for all operations except for the Delete operation.

Delete VM disk

Determines whether to delete the Azure Virtual Machine disk when you delete an Azure Virtual Machine.

Verification Poll Interval

Determines the number of seconds to wait before job status verification.

Default: 15 seconds


Determines the number of retries to rerun a job.

Default: 2 times

Google Virtual Machine Job

Google Cloud Project Virtual Machine is a cloud computing platform. The following table describes the Google Virtual Machine job type attributes.



Connection profile

Defines the connection profile for the job.


  • Characters: 1−30

  • Case Sensitive: Yes

  • Invalid Characters: Spaces

Project ID

Defines the project ID of the Google Cloud Project Virtual Machine.


Defines the name of the zone for the request.

Example: us-central1-f


Determines one of the following operations to perform on the Google Virtual Machine:

  • Create: Creates a virtual machine

  • Create from template: Creates a new virtual machine based on a template.

  • Start: Starts an existing virtual machine.

  • Stop: Stops a running virtual machine.

  • Reset: Resets a virtual machine.

  • Delete: Deletes an existing virtual machine.

Template Name

Defines the name of a template for creation of a new Google Virtual Machine from a template.

Instance Name

Defines the name of the VM instance where you want to run the operation.

This parameter is available for all operations except for the Create operations.


Defines the input parameters in JSON format for a Create operation.

Format: {"param1":"value1", "param2", "value2", …}

Get Logs

Determines whether to display logs from Google VM at the end of the job output.

This parameter is available for all operations except for the Delete operation.

Verification Poll Interval

Determines the number of seconds to wait before job status verification.

Default: 15


Determines the number of times to rerun a job.

Default: 2