Workflow Insights

The Workflow Insights domain enables you to track and monitor business workflow metrics over time via various dashboards. Each dashboard exposes insights about specific areas such as SLA Management Services, workflow health, workflow job trends and peak usages, and optimization insights. These insights enable you to stay in control of your business workflows performance over time, set Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and track them, to ensure continued improvement.

Workflow Insights include the following dashboards:

  • Workflow Health Dashboard: Monitors the health of workflows and jobs and their stability over time.

  • Workflow Trends and Peak Volumes Dashboard: Analyzes historical peak volumes and the Applications affecting the peaks.

  • Workflow Distribution Dashboard: Monitors the Workflow and job distributions in the system to ensure effective load balancing Agent utilization.

  • Workflow Alerts Dashboard: Monitors various Alert metrics, such as jobs Applications, hosts that generated the highest number of Alerts, most common Alert messages, and Alert trends over time.

  • Workflow Definition Updates Dashboard: Exposes insights about job or folder definition updates, such as jobs or folders that were added, deleted or modified, and by which user.

  • SLA Management Services Dashboard: Collects specific metrics about your SLA Management Services that enables you to monitor the following:

    • Health and stability of the Services over time.

    • Jobs that execute for an extended period that can impact Service completion time.

    • Time gaps between consecutive jobs that buffer against Service completion delays.

  • Optimization Insights Dashboard: Exposes workflow and job optimization insights that can affect workflow and job efficiency.

  • Job Execution Dashboard: Monitors various job execution metrics, such as execution average duration, monthly jobs executed, and job executions, by start or end time.

Each dashboard helps you solve a specific business challenge and has certain standard options. For more information, see Workflow Insights Dashboard Options.

In each dashboard you can select the time period you want to review and set specific filters to view the data you want. In addition, you can search using Kibana Query Language (KQL) or Lucene Query Parser Syntax (LUCENE). For more information, see Kibana and Lucene documentation. You can save all the currently active Filters and Queries together for future reuse. For more information about Filter parameters, see Workflow Insights Filters.

Control-M Workflow Insights and Control-M Workload Archiving are not supported on the same distributed machine.

The following video provides a detailed visual overview:

To install, see Control-M Workflow Insights Installation.